In order for us to clean websites, we need FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or SSH access. Depending on the type of infection we encounter, we are able to remove malicious code from your site simply using your site’s admin login without FTP access...
Having your site cleared is very easy! All we need is: Your site’s URL S/FTP or SSH host S/FTP or SSH username S/FTP or SSH password We need this information to log into your site and begin the cleanup process. If you do not know where to find your...
How We Communicate: At Sucuri, all client communication is handled through our ticket system. When you have questions or need help, feel free to use the ticketing system in any of these conditions: You think or know you are infected. Your site is...
In order for us to clean your site, we need FTP or SSH access to your hosting account. By providing this, we are able to evaluate and scan every file in your site. This information can be found in cPanel or in your hosting company’s dashboard. Since...
After we’re done cleaning your site, your ticket will be updated and you will receive an email with our clean up report. Here’s a quick example of what you will probably see: CLEARED: Cleared malware from file: ./directory/infected.php. Details: php...
There is no way to attach files to our ticket system. If you want to send us screenshots, just use image upload sites such as If you need to copy a long text, just use Sucuri’s paste bin: Our ticket system is very secure, so feel free to simply copy...
We don’t save backups of your entire site but we do save backups of every single file we touch during our cleanups. During our cleanup, a ‘quarantine’ folder is created and that is where all infected files are kept. They are encrypted and will not...
If you have a WordPress site and we are able to connect to it, yes, your site will be automatically updated to the latest version when you open a malware removal request ticket. If you have any other type of CMS, we will not automatically update...
Our clean ups are not done automatically. When we say a site is “infected”, it’s because malicious code has been added to the site. In order to clean things up, we need to log in and remove this malicious code from the site’s files and database...
Your site has been hacked and has malware, spam, phishing or maybe it’s even blacklisted and you’ve just signed up with us for help. What’s next? All you have to do to get your site cleaned is, open a malware removal request ticket. How do I...