Website Firewall

PHP Error: Error establishing a database connection

Description: This error typically happens when your database password was modified and you haven’t updated your PHP scripts with the new password. It could also be that your database server is down and you’ll need to contact your hosting...

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cPanel Outdated Warnings

One of the most common causes of website compromises and malware attacks are due to outdated and vulnerable software. cPanel is one of the most important pieces of software you have running your site, since it allows you to manage and access the...

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VaultPress Issues

Every request that comes through the Firewall will use a Firewall IP when reaching the destination server, unless you configured your application to get the Visitor Real IP. VaultPress usually conflicts with the IP change, resulting in a connection...

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Block HTTP Referers

Sucuri allows you to block unwanted visitors to your site based on where they come from or based on its referer. HTTP referer (originally a misspelling of referrer) is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that is linked to...

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Whitelisting a File/Folder

If you are getting the Sucuri error page, such as the one below when visiting some pages on your site, you can simply whitelist these pages in the Sucuri Firewall settings and the errors will go away. It is recommended to whitelist the page only if...

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Country Blocking

Blocking the top three attack countries The majority of website attacks come from specific countries: China, Russia and Turkey. Although we have nothing against those countries, the Sucuri Firewall gives you the option of blocking them from...

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Backend Timeout Message

When an application malfunctions, crashes, or delays, you may see the following message: As the image describes, Sucuri WAF cannot get a response from the site’s hosting server. To resolve this issue, carefully read each of the following...

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IP is not valid

When trying to whitelist an IP address you might get the following error message: This means the IP address you are trying to whitelist is either a local IP address (, or OR was typed incorrectly. You can only...

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vBulletin Customizations

If you use vBulletin and you are unable to login to your forum even with the correct credentials and you end up getting: You have used up your failed login quota! Please wait 15 minutes before trying again. The solution is simple. This happens...

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Same IP for All Users

The WAF will be in the middle of the communication between the visitors and the hosting server to be able to filter the malicious requests. Because of that, the connection is modified and the source IP at the network level will be shown as the...

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