Sucuri Docs > Website Firewall > Troubleshooting > Iframes Being Blocked

Iframes Being Blocked

There are a couple reasons why your iframe is being blocked.

1) Security Headers

By default, Sucuri Firewall enables the “Additional Security Headers added to your site” option on the Security tab to add recommended security headers to your site and protect you against some forms of XSS and clickjacking attacks. However, it could block external source iframes.

To solve this problem, you need to deselect the “Additional Security Headers added to your site” option on the Security tab of the Firewall dashboard.

2) Mixed Content Issue

If you try to iframe a page or file using HTTP on a HTTPS page, it’ll not work. The iframe must be HTTPS as well. You can read more about Mixed Content Warnings here.

3) PHP Iframe

When possible, use require(), include() or require_once() functions instead of iframing PHP files, but if you really need to iframe a PHP file, you may need to whitelist the PHP file due to the backdoor filter.

After following these steps and waiting a couple minutes and your iframe still doesn’t work, please open a support ticket so we can further investigate the issue.

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