Sucuri Docs > Warnings > Hardening > Security Headers – X-Frame-Options

Security Headers – X-Frame-Options

In order to improve the security of your site against ClickJacking, it is recommended that you add the following header to your site:

  X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

It is supported by all browsers and prevents an attacker from iframing the content of your site into others.

This article from Mozilla explains it in detail: On the X-Frame-Options Security Header

Enabling this header

You can enable it by modifying your Apache settings or your inserting the following code into your .htaccess file:

  Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN

Sucuri Customers

Note: this is enabled by default.
You can enable it on your WAF (along with other security headers) by setting “Additional Security Headers ” to on.

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