Sucuri Docs > Website Monitoring > Understanding Alerts > WHOIS Monitor Notifications

WHOIS Monitor Notifications

The WHOIS scanner is scheduled for deprecation.

There is currently no standardization for WHOIS data query responses from registrars. Due to the difficulties in retrieving and interpretting WHOIS data, the WHOIS scanner will be removed from monitor dashboards and reports by the end of 2017.

What is WHOIS data?

When you register a domain, registration details and including contact information are made publicly available. The Whois database allows the public to search domain registration information.

The WHOIS database includes:

  • Registrant information – Contact details for the person/company who owns the domain name.
  • Registrar – Entity that manages domain registration
  • Dates of registration and expiration
  • Nameservers – tells the world how to route your website and email traffic

Domain Registrar

Your domain registrar manages your domain name reservation. It’s important to keep your registration contact information updated. Your domain’s nameservers are configured at your registrar. Don’t remember your registrar? You can check the public registration information here.

Sucuri WHOIS Monitoring

This monitoring option will check the WHOIS database for changes. It’s rare for this information to change, but if it does, we will notify you.

It’s important to understand that we only monitor and alert you if this information changes. We don’t check the content for correctness. This means you are responsible for determining if the information is valid.

To view the change details, check the Reporting Section of the dashboard for the site by clicking on the Current or Changes buttons.

Monitor Reporting

Reasons your WHOIS data might change

  • Updating your Registrant contact details – Did you update your registration contact details? If so, no action required.
  • Domain renewal Did you recently renew your domain? If so, no action required.
  • Transferring registration to a new registrar – Did you switch to a new registrar? If so, no action required.
  • You changed web hosts – Did you move to a new web host? If so, check the nameservers match the host, no action required.
  • You are using privacy registration – this often means that a unique, private email alias is created and regularly updated for your contact address. If you are using privacy registration, WHOIS monitoring might not be a good option for you. You can disable your WHOIS monitor by going to your site monitor dashboard Settings -> toggle WHOIS off.

If your WHOIS data changes unexpectedly, please check the details at your registrar!!

If you are still not sure what do, please feel free to open a support ticket with the Sucuri team.

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